Enneagram Symbol

This test determines your Enneagram personality type. But it's not like any other Enneagram personality test. It also determines and explains your Enneagram personality type colors.

What are the Enneagram personality colors?

Each Enneagram personality type is in one of three groups or triads which can be represented by the primary colors Red, Blue, and Yellow.

Primary Triads

Each Enneagram type is also in one of three groups or triads which can be represented by the secondary colors Purple, Green, and Orange.

Secondary Triads

Using these two groups or triads, each Enneagram type can be represented by a unique secondary-primary color pairing.

Enneagram Colors

  1. Purple-Red (Compliant-Behavior)
  2. Purple-Blue (Compliant-Emotion)
  3. Orange-Blue (Aggressive-Emotion)
  4. Green-Blue (Detached-Emotion)
  5. Green-Yellow (Detached-Thought)
  6. Purple-Yellow (Compliant-Thought)
  7. Orange-Yellow (Aggressive-Thought)
  8. Orange-Red (Aggressive-Behavior)
  9. Green-Red (Detached-Behavior)

Take the test

Take the Enneagram personality color test to find your type and what the colors for that type mean.

The test is free and you can take it as many times as you like. You can even use your own scores from other tests to see the color results.

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